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Events at Tranum Klit Camping

    Events Tranum Klit Camping



    Saturday 15 July:

    Jens Ø entertains.

    At 18.00 and a few hours ahead, Jens Ø. will entertain in Lunden (weather permitting, otherwise in the ballroom). It will be possible to purchase water,

    beer and wine. There will also be the option of buying a sausage with bread or potato salad.


    Week 29-30:

    Circus Aroma v/Astrid Søndergaard

    In weeks 29 and 30, Astrid comes with her Cirkus Aroma and circus school. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday in week 29 and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in week 30, there will be lots of activities for children and adults, such as juggling, unicycles, hula-hop, line dancing, acrobatics, magic, gölg, hoaxes and scams, as well as much more. There will also be time for a performance or two.

    A detailed program for the day will appear later.



    Thursday 27 July:

    Valeria Harp

    We welcome you to a harp concert with Valeria at 19.00. If the weather permits, this will be done in the open air, alternatively it will be played in the ballroom. Beer, water, wine and possibly some cold drinks can be bought.

    We also offer the purchase of a small tapas treat.